!±8±Camp Chef BB-60L Deluxe Sport Grill Box for 2-Burner Stoves
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Camp Chef Rate :

Price :
$84.83 Post Date : Nov 23, 2011 03:57:37
Usually ships in 24 hours
Convert your stove into a powerful barbecue grill. This barbecue grill box is sure to win you over to Camp Chef's savory outdoor flavor. With the patented diffuser plate you don't have to worry about hot spots. The diffuser captures and vaporizes the grease, infusing your food with a rich BBQ flavor. The cast iron grate offers restaurant-quality grilling. It comes with a vented hinged lid and thermometer. While only covering one burner on the DB, DL, DH, EX, and OSD model stoves, it's wide enough for meanest steaks and the biggest fillets. It does, however, take up enough space that no other griddles or grill boxes will fit on the stove. It measures 13.5 X 18 inches.
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